Sunday, January 27, 2019

More Life on Santiago

We continue our visit on Santiago.  This blog entry is going to be more of a photo essay than a verbal post.  There is only so much I can say (without starting to sound like a textbook) about the islands and the astonishing life they support.   

In my last post I said that I welcome corrections and comments regarding the images and information I provide about the Galapagos inhabitants.  I reiterate that now because, I admit (with some embarrassment), that regardless of the photos I have, the expert guides, my notes, and research to support my notes... I'm not sure I have this info right. .....and on we go....

Great Blue Heron
The Great Blue Heron (above), because of his height, skinny legs  and loner ways, has come to represent strength and independence to some people.  Sighting an Egret like the one below, often carries the same meaning.

These birds stand about three feet tall and have a wing span of nearly six feet.  Given that I am barely five feet tall, to me they represent strength and possibly something that could scoop me up for a snack.   
Fortunately for me they eat small fish, crabs, and lizards.

As we make our way along the island, we have an inland view of San Pedro Volcano, one of the two that formed Santiago.

On the shore we see oystercatchers.

And a blue footed booby.   
There may be oyster catchers and egrets in other parts of the world, but they still impress me.  However, the boobies of the Galapagos continue to fascinate me, even after several days of island-hopping. 
This afternoon we visit Sombrero Chino off the coast of the southern tip of Santiago.  I am still fascinated by the many creatures that inhabit these islands, and cannot help but oooh and aaah when we come across a sea lion and her pup.

On this small island, the beautiful red coral on the beaches and in the landscape strike me almost as much as the wildlife.

 #     #     #
# Next:  Really, Charles?   Really?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Santiago Island

We begin the day with a trip to Santiago Island, the fourth largest island in the Galapagos, for a  hike that leads us to Puerto Egas.  Two volcanoes formed the long stretch of lava that is Santiago’s shore, and the surrounding ocean waters have eroded the lava, creating nooks and crannies for many of the island’s residents.  None of those residents are human.  Santiago is one of the islands that is open to human visitors, but not human occupation.

As we’re walking, we encounter flamingos in a lagoon.  I have grown so accustomed to the unaccustomed, seeing a bird I recognize is momentarily surprising.  The flamingos probably came from the Caribbean, and now live on several of the Galapagos islands, in slightly salty inlets.

The eroded lava cubbies in Santiago’s coast often shelter penguins.  I know I’ve mentioned penguins earlier in this series, but I don’t know if I said how surprised I was to see them.  

I flash back to my trip to Australia, where I first saw wild penguins.  My friend was surprised at how excited I was.  “We don’t have penguins north of the equator,” I knowingly explained. 

I was wrong.  Here in the Galapagos, there are penguins—small ones—and they are just north of the equator.


We also have an opportunity to see fur seals (vs. sea lions).  I confess I have a little trouble telling them apart.  I read, I examine my photos, I enlarge my photos, I look at other pictures…. And this is why I take a tour with a good guide. (My attempts to clarify the differences by searching the Internet led me to a video recorded by a tourist;  the guide was talking about “fur sea lions”.  That did not help me at all.)
One way to differentiate a fur seal from sea lion is the thicker fur of the seal’s coat.  I am not very good at noting that difference.   The Galapagos fur seal’s muzzle is shorter than the sea lion’s; the sea lion has a pointier nose.  That is a little easier for me to see.

Below is a photo taken on Santiago, and I’m pretty sure it’s a fur seal.    I decided not to wake him up to ask. 

This second photo, taken on Fernandina, is (I think) a sea lion. 

One other way I think you can tell them apart-- I don't believe  fur seals are as playful or mischievous as the sea lions-- I haven't heard any stories of fur seals playing keep-away with tourists (see previous post).

Note to naturalists, birders, and others knowledgeable about wildlife:  I welcome any corrections, comments, or information you'd like to share.  If  you do so in the comment section, other readers will benefit from your input. 

Next: More Galapagos Birds