Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Indian Heaven Trail

We pack a picnic lunch and cross the Columbia River to travel about one hour north toward  Washington, toward the base of Mount Adams. Our hike is a loop through Indian Heaven starting at about 4100 feet and gaining about 1000 feet in the first few miles.  Then the trail levels off to a rolling terrain through woods, with ponds and lakes and views of the mountain beyond.

Indian Heaven Lake

Indian Heaven Trail
The trail is beautiful, the blue-green lake that reflects the surrounding woodlands has a story-like feel.  For a few of us, the story setting might be better named ‘Mosquito Mountain’ instead of Indian Heaven.  Some things don’t change.  Mosquitoes are initially attracted to carbon dioxide but once they arrive at the CO2 source (in this case, humans) they are especially drawn to heat.  And lucky me, I’m always just a little on the warm side.

Even this doesn’t detract from the view of Mount Adams,  about 12,300 feet high as we swat...I mean walk, and enjoy the the beauty of Mosq.... er ...  Indian Heaven Trail.
Mount Adams from Indian Heaven

We leave the Indian Heaven loop and head back toward Hood River, going to the Ice Caves.  I forget for a moment that I came here to hike live volcanoes, and that means lava.  Over the years, the flow of molten rock  created lava tubes; combined with glacial growth and recession, a network of caverns formed Ice Caves beneath the ground.  Wooden stairs lead down into a cavern where the air is cool.  Intrepid hikers take flashlights and explore the 650 foot cavern, observing lava flows and ice formations.

Less intrepid hikers back out of the cave. I admit it. When I fully understand where the walk is leading, I retreat  I may have overcome my fear of heights but I still don’t love small dark spaces...not sure I’ll ever be a spelunker.

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