Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Saying Goodbye to the Volcanoes and the Columbia River Gorge

According to my notes, our first stop on our last morning is Crown Point Promontory, which provides a spectacular view of the Columbia River Gorge.  Vista House was built here the same time as the Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway. Sam Lancaster, who designed the Highway in keeping with Sam Hill’s vision of recognizing the surrounding beauty, wanted Vista House at Crown Point to  pay tribute to the first pioneers who made their way across the Gorge. (For more information refer back to an earlier post: The Dry Side of the Cascades)
Unfortunately, my photos do not adequately represent the beauty of the views from Crown Point. However, this three-and-a-half minute video from  davidegg22 does:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CHf2y63Ajw 
 (if clicking o the link does not work, lease copy and paste into your browser)

Our next stop is the trail near LaTourelle Falls, a fairly easy one mile hike with another beautiful waterfall.

LaTourelle Falls

And from there we go to Multnomah Falls, a 620 foot cascade carving its way down the mountain to the waters below.  The trail leading up to Benson Bridge is an easy and manageable paved walk leading to the perfect photo op.  I did take the photo below, but I assure you there is another photo of me on the bridge, waving to my friends below. (Who could resist?)

Multnomah Falls and Benson Bridge

With this spectacular view, we say goodbye to the magnificent Columbia River Gorge, goodbye to hiking on active volcanos, goodbye to the inspiration of inimitable an unsurpassable natural beauty and the arresting reminders of the vast power of nature.

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