Tuesday, June 6, 2017

From the City to the Temperate Rainforest

After the very ‘citified’ experience of Tacoma's beautiful Museum of Glass, we head to Lake Sylvia, a little over an hour from Tacoma, for our first ‘warm up’ hike and lunch by the lake.

The first part of the trail around Lake Sylvia has gentle slopes but there’s no significant elevation gain.  The tranquility of the natural beauty is a significant contrast to the man-made beauty of the Museum of Glass that we’ve left behind.

Lake Sylvia

After lunch, we have a one hour drive to Lake Quinault in the southern area of Olympic National Park.  The lake is in a temperate rainforest that can get ten feet (or more) of rain a year.  North American temperate rainforests are primarily in the northwest coastal region where winds bring ample rainfall from the ocean. 

Sitka spruce, western hemlock, Douglas fir and western red cedar all grow to great heights in this area.  In fact, sitka spruce grow well only in wet, foggy conditions of the temperate rain forests. The sitka spruce can’t control water loss through it’s needles, so the coastal moisture--fog and rain -- is critical for its  survival.

The trees loom above us; at the lower levels, big leaf and vine maple are proliferate, along with many kinds of ferns, blackberries and huckleberries.

We arrive at Quinault Lodge in time to settle in,  enjoy the end of day and a beautiful sunset.
Lake Quinault Lodge

Lake Quinault Sunset

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An important reminder that I should have put earlier in this series:  my blog posts are based on journals I keep when I travel;   I write now from the comfort of my home.  I supplement my notes and photos with research as necessary, because things change, and I don’t want my posts to mislead my readers.  I welcome any additional updated information you may have to offer on places I’ve been.

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